皇冠足彩从来都不容易. But if you could wave a magic w和 和 have the best possible outcome, how would that look? 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所’s 皇冠足彩网 皇冠足彩 lawyers can guide you through today’s complex legal, 营业税, 金融, 心理皇冠足彩环境. 我们与您合作,根据您的独特情况制定创造性的解决方案.
We can h和le the most complex matters when it comes to 皇冠足彩 和 premarital agreements, 抚养权和子女抚养费, 公平分配, 财产分割. 涉及巨额资产(高净值)和高收入的皇冠足彩可能会很复杂. Our team underst和s the use of experts in the field of 企业估值 和 pension valuation. 我们与高净值客户合作,以实现最佳结果.
卡洛琳J. 伍德拉夫是北卡罗来纳州律师委员会家庭法认证专家. 她毕业于杜克大学法学院, 注册会计师, 和注册估值分析师. 与伍德拉夫女士同行的是律师乔纳森. Csuka, a North Carolina State Bar Board Certified Specialist in Family Law 和 a firm director.
Ms. Woodruff is joined by another North Carolina State Bar Board 注册家庭法专家: Jonathan D. Csuka.
我们的业务集中在北卡罗莱纳州的皮埃蒙特三合会地区. 我们的律师会定期处理孩子的监护权和抚养费, 公平分配, 皇冠足彩, 以及皇冠足彩网的其他家庭法律事务, 高点, 温斯顿塞勒姆, Asheboro, 以及周边地区. 要了解我们服务社区的完整列表, 点击这里.
家庭矛盾导致婚姻破裂, 监护权纠纷, 皇冠足彩后的问题可能会让人不堪重负. 我们可以帮忙! 今天致电了解更多信息,并与我们的律师之一建立您的初步咨询. 你会没事的! 记住,!
我们在皮埃蒙特三合会的皇冠足彩律师与你一起制定一个计划您与伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所的旅程始于我们的初步咨询过程. We work together to create a plan for your case designed to meet your reasonable 和 unique objectives.
专注于家庭法, the experienced 皇冠足彩 和 family lawyers at 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 have the knowledge 和 the compassion to h和le any family law case or issue. We know that many people consulting with a family law attorney or a 皇冠足彩 attorney are having a difficult time emotionally, 在处理你的案件时,会考虑哪些因素.
我们精通北卡罗莱纳州的家庭法, 我们皇冠足彩网的皇冠足彩律师会帮助你理解并确立你的权利. 此案是否涉及孩子监护权问题, 祖父母的权利, 房产部门, 配偶的支持, 婚前协议, 或者其他类型的家庭法, 我们努力追求能力,因为“能力很重要”.“我们的团队以专门的辩护和复杂的处理方式回应所有问题.
高净值人士当涉及到巨额资产时,皇冠足彩问题可能会更加复杂. The 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 staff includes a team of highly qualified North Carolina attorneys, 会计师, 北卡罗来纳州注册律师助理, 和 legal assistants to ensure that your unique situation receives the most competent 和 creative guidance available. 针对高净值和高收入客户, 重要的问题包括以下三个主要类别, 配偶的支持, 及子女管养. Our competent 皇冠足彩网 皇冠足彩 attorneys carefully consider how high-value assets should be divided. 我们在会计和资产估价方面有丰富的经验, 包括少数人持股企业的分割. 了解更多.
皇冠足彩和婚前协议皇冠足彩是人生的大事. 在伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所, 我们处理绝对皇冠足彩, 名称的改变, 从食宿上皇冠足彩, 家庭暴力问题, 分离协议, 暂时缓解, 第二意见. 我们提供婚前协议和婚后协议方面的专业知识. Let one of our experienced family law specialists guide you in planning 和 moving through the process. 了解更多.
监护和子女抚养费Our 皇冠足彩网 attorneys are certified specialists in family law 和 can help you navigate child 抚养权和子女抚养费 issues. 在北卡罗来纳州,法院通常会授予祖父母监护权或探视权. 孩子的监护权可能会有争议. Attorney Carolyn Woodruff 和 the team of experts at 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 work to protect the children's best interests as part of our overall mission. 如果你是祖父母, our experienced family law attorneys can help you navigate your rights to custody or visitation. 了解更多.
房产部门皇冠足彩案件中的财产分割被称为公平分配. Equitable distribution is one of the most critical issues that family law 和 皇冠足彩 attorneys h和le in 皇冠足彩网, 高点, 温斯顿塞勒姆, Asheboro, Reidsville, 伯灵顿, 丹伯里, Yanceyville, 以及整个州的其他地区. North Carolina presumes in 公平分配 in a 皇冠足彩 case that all marital property is divided equally between both parties. Our experienced attorneys can help you negotiate effectively during the distribution of property, 包括养老金和退休账户. 了解更多.
配偶的支持配偶赡养费指的是赡养费和皇冠足彩后的赡养费. Alimony is rehabilitative form of 配偶的支持, while post-separation support is temporary. 两者的主要区别在于时间框架. 在北卡罗来纳州, alimony is a type of 配偶的支持 that provides for the maintenance of a dependent spouse by the supporting spouse. 我们皇冠足彩网的律师有处理配偶赡养费的经验. It is crucial to seek advice from a family lawyer before filing for 皇冠足彩 if you seek 配偶的支持! 我们经验丰富的律师可以帮助指导您. 了解更多.
家事法上诉One or both parties may be unhappy with the outcome of a case once it has been decided by a trial judge 和 may want to consider an appeal. 在皇冠足彩app,我们有处理上诉工作经验丰富的律师. Our experienced lawyers in the Piedmont Triad know 和 underst和 the technical requirements that need to be followed in appellate work. 我们处理北卡罗莱纳州各地的上诉案件. 了解更多.
转让和其他民事诉讼皇冠足彩期间出现的问题可能影响深远, 包括对感情疏远和犯罪谈话的潜在指控. Civil claims can be pursued against a third party for destroying your loving relationship with your spouse. Our experienced family law specialists can help you evaluate whether you have such a claim. 如果你因感情疏远被起诉,我们也会为你的索赔辩护. 随着科技和社交媒体的发展, 电子媒体等问题, 欺诈和隐藏资产, 侵犯隐私也变得更加严重. Our 皇冠足彩 lawyers in 皇冠足彩网 are ready to st和 by your side in navigating the collateral consequences of a 皇冠足彩. 了解更多.
皇冠足彩的商业规划/财务规划Guidance from our experienced family law 和 皇冠足彩 attorneys can help you deal with such issues as 营业税, 企业估值, 欺诈和隐藏资产, 以及家庭伴侣问题和协议. 无论你是自己的公司还是合伙人, we have the knowledge 和 skills to assist you in helping your business survive the 皇冠足彩 process. 在伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所, our expert team can work with your corporate lawyers 和 CPAs to develop a plan to help your business survive the 皇冠足彩 process. 了解更多.
试验/中介/协作The experienced attorneys at 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 h和le all types of dispute resolutions, 诉讼, 和协议. 调解是北卡罗莱纳州大多数皇冠足彩和监护权案件的第一步. 如果你的目标在调解期间没有得到满足, 下一步是准备家庭法审判, 哪个是法庭程序. Collaborative law 和 arbitration involve negotiation where both parties have agreed to a collaborative process that ends with either an agreement, 仲裁, 或者是审判. 了解更多.
国际家庭法我们在家庭法实践中提供全球视角. Our attorneys in the Piedmont Triad serving 高点 和 温斯顿塞勒姆 have experience working with family law cases in many cultures from across the globe. Our 皇冠足彩 attorneys in 皇冠足彩网 underst和 cultural issues that may occur with your family law case 和 help guide you through the process. We have worked with clients with a North Carolina nexus from almost every continent 和 have the expertise to h和le your matter effectively. 了解更多.
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